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Full Version: need HTML editor component
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Is there anything built-in into IW, or any external compatible components that can offer rich text HTML editing functionality on IW served pages?

Or has anyone been using any external JS libraries in IW apps with any success, like "editor.js"?

I basically need to serve HTML documents to users from an IW application, in some kind of editor, allowing the users to edit them free-hand and then get the edited HTML back, so it can be saved on the server.
Ok, I can see TMS IW pack, trying it now ;-)
(08-16-2022, 12:35 AM)iwuser Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anything built-in into IW, or any external compatible components that can offer rich text HTML editing functionality on IW served pages?

Or has anyone been using any external JS libraries in IW apps with any success, like "editor.js"?

I basically need to serve HTML documents to users from an IW application, in some kind of editor, allowing the users to edit them free-hand and then get the edited HTML back, so it can be saved on the server.

CGDevTools implements TinyMCE (

It will be great if IW implements this as an IW component..... more work Alexandre ?
We are currently working on TIWSummernote component which will bring this to IW:

I expect to release it in the next version