My Intraweb application consists of IW 15.2.60, HTML template with Javascript, DataTables.
If you generate large data browser message Out of memory.
I can't explain what the problem is because it worked.
Is problem Javascript memory or Ajax, ...?
Large data where? This is too vague.
Out of memory is a message of a Delphi exception. You need to debug your application and break the execution whenever the exception happens and check where it happens.
(07-04-2022, 06:29 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]Large data where? This is too vague.
Out of memory is a message of a Delphi exception. You need to debug your application and break the execution whenever the exception happens and check where it happens.
I am loading my data (DataTables) into IWLabel with RawText = True
IWLabel. Caption := "<table> ... </table>";
If there are say more than 1000 rows of DataTables then is Out of memory in browser.
If not loading my data in IWLabel then OK.
Delphi (FastMM4) not detect exceptions.
This worked! I dont know whats wrong? Browser, JS, IW or other.
As I said in my previous post, you need to run it while debugging, from Delphi IDE, and see if you get any exception. If the out of memory error comes from your application it will raise an exception while debugging and you need to break on it and see where this comes from.
1000 rows is nothing, meaning that 1K rows can't consume 2+ GB of RAM ever. There must be some error somewhere. I doubt that this comes from IntraWeb itself.
Also, I think you should consider this example as a "better" way to use DataTables in your application:
If it is really coming from the browser, you need to limit the number of rows that are returned and allow pagination in the results that are sent to the browser.
(07-08-2022, 01:57 PM)joelcc Wrote: [ -> ]If it is really coming from the browser, you need to limit the number of rows that are returned and allow pagination in the results that are sent to the browser.
As i researched then solution is Datatables with server-side processing! I dont understand how implement in IW?
Is it happening on browser side or server side?
To implement it using server-side processing you will need to use content handlers (the simplest way) that return the data as needed given some input parameters from the datatables control.