Howdy All!
I need to quickly add some kind of captcha to my old web reservation system.
I am currently on IW 15.1.22 and that won't be changing unless a security issue comes up.
So with that in mind, has any one implemented Google Recaptcha or something similar in IW?
I figure I would ask before starting to roll my own or trying to get ReCaptcha to work tomorrow...
Thanks in advance,
Hi Shane,
I didn't use ReCaptcha myself but know that IW15.2.x has it in the box.
If you have an active subscription you can download the source for the latest version and use it for a solution in IW15.1.22
The unit IWCompReCaptcha.pas doesn't look too complicated.
if you use cgdevtools they have one too.
(06-28-2022, 01:53 PM)joelcc Wrote: [ -> ]if you use cgdevtools they have one too.
Howdy Joel,
I quit using CGDevTools when I wanted a single set of source code with a responsive UI. The IWBootstrap 4 components allowed me to do it.
All the best,
(06-28-2022, 09:32 AM)jeroen.rottink Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Shane,
I didn't use ReCaptcha myself but know that IW15.2.x has it in the box.
If you have an active subscription you can download the source for the latest version and use it for a solution in IW15.1.22
The unit IWCompReCaptcha.pas doesn't look too complicated.
Howdy Jeroen,
My subscription expired last May but I will see how far the source code went and look for the module.
If it isn't there, I will tell the company who bought my software they need to do an update.
Best Regards,
Can anyone verify for me when IWCompReCaptcha(.pas) component came out? I just checked IW source for my last licensed version (15.2.27) and it wasn't included.
I just read all the > 15.2.27 version history and I don't see any mention of a new captcha component and no demo of one.
I just need to verify and see it working so I can see about fast-tracking a new license update.
All the best,
Hi Shane,
I read should include the component.
Just checked and the file IWCompReCaptcha.pas in the current version of IW (15.2.60) has a timestamp of 19 October 2020
Howdy Jeron,
First - thanks.
I figured out I downloaded "older" source code because AZ doesn't use leading 0 for single digit versions <lol>!
Well, time to see about adding to older version of IW and hopefully using it!
All the best,
HOwdy All!
Ok - so I found the component but it isn't compatible with IW 15.1.22 and unfortunately every other version of IW breaks my app (past experience).
So for the short time I have to get this resolved, I will have to find a different solution.
Open to any suggestions while I look.
All the best,
IWReCapcha relies on several new units from Indy (especially the ones used by the new class TIWHTTPClient in IW.HTTP.IndyClient) which have been modified for IntraWeb (so it won't conflict with any other Indy installation on your computer). This class is responsible for all communication with Google API and, although not too complicated, it involves a lot of stuff (HTTPS requests using OpenSSL, etc)
I'm not exactly sure what's missing in IW 15.1.22 but it may be possible for you to port everything needed from 15.2 to 15.1... but I'm not 100% sure.
I'm curious to know how newer versions of IW break your application, though.
Why don't you buy an Ultimate INSTANT UPDATE so you can update to IW15.2.60 and implement the ReCaptcha.
(06-29-2022, 10:31 AM)PaulWeem Wrote: [ -> ]Why don't you buy an Ultimate INSTANT UPDATE so you can update to IW15.2.60 and implement the ReCaptcha.
Howdy Paul,
Because IW is the one framework I use that always breaks the current version of my software and I didn't have a lot of time to solve this.
I used the Captcha component from TMS's IW components - I forgot I had that as I switched over to the Bootstrap 4 components in 2018 and haven't looked back.
All the best,
(06-29-2022, 03:45 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]IWReCapcha relies on several new units from Indy (especially the ones used by the new class TIWHTTPClient in IW.HTTP.IndyClient) which have been modified for IntraWeb (so it won't conflict with any other Indy installation on your computer). This class is responsible for all communication with Google API and, although not too complicated, it involves a lot of stuff (HTTPS requests using OpenSSL, etc)
I'm not exactly sure what's missing in IW 15.1.22 but it may be possible for you to port everything needed from 15.2 to 15.1... but I'm not 100% sure.
I'm curious to know how newer versions of IW break your application, though.
Howdy Alexandre,
If you search the forum, you will see several times IW has been "optimized" / "refactored" and it has caused issues for me. You always were able to fix them, but unless I get a different direction from the company that bought the rights to my software, this is its final season (year) after almost 20 years!
I needed a captcha component YESTERDAY and it turns out I went to a component ~5 years old or so

All the best,