I am using Delphi 11 and IW version 15.2.48.
And I am wondering if IWGrid.CurrentRow and IWGrid.ScrollToCurrentRow = True work like one expects.
If so, can you please explain (to me or in an example) how to apply this, because I can't get it to work.
Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Paul
What are you trying currently? Can you post your sample code?
Property grdContent.ScrollToCurrentRow = True.
After clicking on the "Fill Grid" button, grid is filled with 50 rows and CurrentRow is set to 40.
But it keeps showing the top of the grid.
I have tried it sync and async, but result stays the same.
procedure TIWForm1.btnClearGridAsyncClick(Sender: TObject;
EventParams: TStringList);
procedure TIWForm1.btnFillGridAsyncClick(Sender: TObject;
EventParams: TStringList);
procedure TIWForm1.FillContentGrid(ActiveRow: Integer);
r, c: Integer;
grdContent.ColumnCount := 5;
grdContent.RowCount := 50;
For r := 0 To 49 Do
For c := 0 To 4 Do
grdContent.Cell[r, c].Text := 'Cell(' + IntToStr® + ',' + IntToStr© + ')';
grdContent.CurrentRow := ActiveRow;
grdContent.ScrollToCurrentRow := True;
Hi Paul,
I can confirm that it is not working as it should after we changed the way that the grid renders itself in async events.
I'm working on it and I expect to have some fix soon.
Hi Alexandre,
Thank you for your feedback.
Looking forward to your fix.
Cheers, Paul
Hi Alexandre,
I guess you haven't had the time yet to implement your fix in the last new version.
Any ETA on when it will be fixed?
Cheers, Paul
(12-23-2021, 08:05 PM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Paul,
I can confirm that it is not working as it should after we changed the way that the grid renders itself in async events.
I'm working on it and I expect to have some fix soon.
Is there any chance this will be addressed in the next release of IW?
Cheers, Paul
(04-05-2022, 01:19 PM)PaulWeem Wrote: [ -> ] (12-23-2021, 08:05 PM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Paul,
I can confirm that it is not working as it should after we changed the way that the grid renders itself in async events.
I'm working on it and I expect to have some fix soon.
Is there any chance this will be addressed in the next release of IW?
Cheers, Paul
Hi Alexandre,
have you had time to have a look at this?
Cheers, Paul
Hi Alexandre,
Can you also have a look at this?
Hi Paul,
yes sure. I thought this was resolved since we changed the IWGrid rendering in async. Let me have a look and get back to you