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Full Version: HTTP.sys Does not work from the global network
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When testing the demo version of the use HTTP.sys the following is observed:

http://localhost/MyBase1/ - succes -  I can't open this page

* Make sure that the web address correct

On the router, port 80 is forwarded to the local IP

Type service: HTTP    External port: 80    Internal IP:  Internal port: 80    Protokol: TCP

If you run an Indy application on this port, then the connection from the external network is successful.

What could be the reason?
Does your license allow http.sys?
I have an Ultimate license. Judging by the description, she should allow me to do this.
Ok, so seems that it is the registration of the external network interface address.

How's your ServerController.HttpSysOptions?

You can try to register the external interface explicitly via ServerController.OnBind. Try something like this:

procedure TIWServerController.IWServerControllerBaseBind(const aHttpBindings,
aHttpsBindings: TStrings);

See how it behaves
Sorry, but looks like your site ( is working... So I'm assuming you found what was wrong?
BTW I strongly recommend you to update to IW 15.2.36.
No. The problem is not solved, Another application was installed on this port yesterday.

When compiling with your recommendation, an error occurs

Error: [HttpSys] A call to "HttpAddUrlToUrlGroup" failed: Параметр задан неверно (The parameter is set incorrectly)
How's the other properties of HttpsysOptions?
AddDefaultBinding = true
HostWildcard =hwString
LimitThreadCountInDebug = true
ThreadsPerCore = 0
VirtualHostNames = ''
set AddDefaultBinding to False and enable that code that I showed you. It should link to that interface.
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