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Currently, TIWTreeView and TIWTreeViewItem don't have Async Events.
Are you planning on adding these?

Regards, Paul
Actually, they do. IWTreeView is a complex control so instead of different events for sync and async modes, you can switch the whole tree to work with Async events only through property AsyncMode.

Set AsyncMode to true and all events will be async. No need to rewrite them.
(06-11-2021, 09:44 PM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, they do. IWTreeView is a complex control so instead of different events for sync and async modes, you can switch the whole tree to work with Async events only through property AsyncMode.

Set AsyncMode to true and all events will be async. No need to rewrite them.

Hi Alexandre,

I completely missed out on that setting.
But now I found it, it works as expected.

Thank you!
Great, Paul!

Thanks for you feedback