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I have a static website (no internet access) and wonder what I need to download in order to use TIWJQGrid.
I did a search on the web, but it seems to me that the versions are paid

thank you
Have a good day
You disable RenderCDNFiles property and add the files manually in your ExtraHeader as this:

<link href="ui.jqgrid.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

<link href="jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.jqgrid.min.js"></script>

These files must be downloaded manually and saved into your wwwroot folder (under IntraWeb's application folder)

These files can be downloaded from the same CDN. The addresses are:

i've found some documentation about several jqgrid on the web but i'm not sure it's the same source we're using. Can you provide the pluguin name or someplace where i can find documentation about jqgrid options of this concrete source?

Thank you.