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Full Version: Problem with Render at Intraweb 15.2.3
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(07-10-2020, 04:07 PM)Rolphy Reyes Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Alexandre!

Sorry, Intraweb continue to fail.

My application is so complex that it's difficult to make a simple example, i will try to make one.
Can you tell me whats the purpose of RefreshAsyncRender and with wich components can I use this method and what's is meaning?
RefreshAsyncRender is intended to be used when you want the control to be fully refreshed on the web page, i.e., instead of updating it, it will be removed and rendered again. In general it shouldn't be used unless you have a control which is not updating itself correctly during an async event. In that case, using that method might work.

In theory it can be used with any control, but I can't guarantee that all 3rd party controls will work correctly
(07-16-2020, 03:58 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]RefreshAsyncRender is intended to be used when you want the control to be fully refreshed on the web page, i.e., instead of updating it, it will be removed and rendered again. In general it shouldn't be used unless you have a control which is not updating itself correctly during an async event. In that case, using that method might work.

In theory it can be used with any control, but I can't guarantee that all 3rd party controls will work correctly
Ok, I'd try to use IWDBGrid.RefreshAsyncRender with that problema that reported on another post but does not work either!! ?
Hi Alexandre!!

I have some good news, I managed to change the TFrame of the CRUD from submit to async.

With that and combine with the "Post" of the TQuery detail in the async way, Intraweb works smooth.

Still have the issue with the TFrame of the CRUD in submit mode and the detail in async mode; I will try to make an example.
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