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IWgrid and even TiwAdvGrid (of TMS) don't have the possiblities of cell merging.
Is there a way (for example in Delphi code) to realize this?[attachment=204]
You can output it manually using raw HTML. The reason the built in grids dont have it isnt because its hard to output (its easy), but the object model on the code side is a bit complicated and the feature isnt requested often.

You may consider a custom layout manager and a IWFrame as a simplistic solution.
Thanks for the answer, but I don't understand exactly what you mean by this.
Do you mean there is a way to call 'raw HTML' from within my Delphi Intraweb application?
Is there any documentation (examples) I can study?
You can easily emit raw HTML. I am not sure what you mean by 'call raw HTML'

I had the same need for a more flexible grid.  To use raw html on your IW form add a TIWText object and set RawText = true.  Then programmatically create your grid text and assign it to the TIWText.Lines.Text property.  The grid will then display as you designed. 

IW17 also supports DataTables .NET and much more. But there are options as posted above for 14/15.
Also source ships for the components including our grid and dbgrid. You can clone and modify them as needed.

If you only need to render output and not input, then its very easy.
(12-29-2019, 06:12 PM) Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

I had the same need for a more flexible grid.  To use raw html on your IW form add a TIWText object and set RawText = true.  Then programmatically create your grid text and assign it to the TIWText.Lines.Text property.  The grid will then display as you designed. 

Thanks Mark. Smile