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Full Version: TIWJQueryWidget: documentation and example
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Hi everybody!
I'm searching on the web about documentation and examples of TIWJQueryWidget but i find nothing.
I need to display a barcode in a intraweb page, and i found this:
but i'm not be able to use tiwjquerywidget

thanks in advance

ps. sorry everybody for my english

Hi Stefano. You can generate QRcode from google and put it in IWImageFile:
IWImageFile_QRCode.ImageFile.URL := '|0&chl=mygeneratedqrcodedemofromjosenilton';
(10-16-2019, 07:28 PM)Jose Nilton Pace Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Stefano. You can generate QRcode from google and put it in IWImageFile:
IWImageFile_QRCode.ImageFile.URL := '|0&chl=mygeneratedqrcodedemofromjosenilton';
Thank you.
In my case i have to generate a code 39 and the client cannot access internet but only the local network.
Can it work the same if only the pc where server run get access to internet?

Thanks in advance
You will need to use a different chart library and deploy the js files with your IW application.

Google charts cant be used offline:

There are quite a few others: