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Full Version: How to deploy an OS to physical hardware
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I would be content creating an ISO file, so that I could burn it to a flash drive with Rufus or make a standalone VM.
Just change the option in the project properties to use ISO. There is even a USB option that will do it all for you.
Umm, so I tried a working version of my current project. I clicked Project>CosmosKernel2 Properties...>ISO. I then click the "Cosmos" play button. I see the standard build sequence through the output window, and then I get this.
Just do a VMWare build. It makes an ISO and you can just "steal" it.
Yeah, I tried that. I could never find one. What directory would I find it under?
The iso should be under [Project]/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/
Hehe, I tried building a standalone VM in VMWare. I found that ISO, made the machine, and got the green message "Waiting for debugger connection...". Yay.

So I got Rufus going, burned the ISO that you guys told me about, and I get this fantastic screen:

*new post*

I think It's safe to say that the method of directly burning the ISO to USB doesn't work either.
You have to disable debugging in the properties menu to get rid of the Waiting for debugger connection.

I dont have any experience with the ISO to USB method, so I cant help you with that