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Full Version: iw15.1.1 issue with FrameRegion and TIWTreeView
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(This is - was working in 15.0.24)...

I have a intraweb app with a main page and two frames.
One Frame is aligned to the TOP and contains a TIWMenu
The other Frame is aligned to the LEFT and contaings a TreeView.

The menu on the top navigates to certain pages
The treeview on the left navigates to other pages.

In 15.1.1 the menu navigation works.

The tree view navigation DOES NOT.
This is via the regular click event (no async).

In Debug mode the IDE 'sees' the click event on the menu BUT does not 'see' the treeview click...

Please advise
thanks in advance

I have been able to reproduce this on a single form.

It has nothing to do with embedded frames.

1. iWmenu on page with menu - the click event gets through...
2. iwFrame with iWtreeNode and items on tree- the click event does not get through...

unit Unit1;


Classes, SysUtils, IWAppForm, IWApplication, IWColor, IWTypes, Vcl.Menus,
Vcl.Controls, IWVCLBaseControl, IWBaseControl, IWBaseHTMLControl, IWControl,
IWTMSMenus, IWCompTreeview, Vcl.Forms, IWVCLBaseContainer, IWContainer,
IWHTMLContainer, IWHTML40Container, IWRegion;

TIWForm1 = class(TIWAppForm)
iwMnuMain: TTIWMainMenu;
mnuMain: TMainMenu;
mnuFile1: TMenuItem;
mnuMsgBox1: TMenuItem;
rgn1: TIWRegion;
tvwTest: TIWTreeView;
procedure mnuMsgBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure tvwTestTreeItemClick(Sender: TObject;
ATreeViewItem: TIWTreeViewItem);


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TIWForm1.mnuMsgBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
WebApplication.ShowMessage('menu hello!'); //this happens


procedure TIWForm1.tvwTestTreeItemClick(Sender: TObject;
ATreeViewItem: TIWTreeViewItem);
WebApplication.ShowMessage(ATreeViewItem.Caption); //this never happens



Please advise
I'll have a look and let you know ASAP
This bug has already been fixed in our code base. We will release an update this weekend which fixes a few issues detected in new branch
(07-27-2019, 02:42 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]This bug has already been fixed in our code base. We will release an update this weekend which fixes a few issues detected in new branch
THANK YOU!   Big Grin