I recently make a web application with Intraweb and deploy it as a Windows Service on a server.
Now I want to install SSL to have a HTTPS access.
I look at this project :
https://github.com/Atozed/IntraWeb/tree/...ndAloneSSL to see how it works but
the secured link didn't work. (Chrome :
This page of the site ... was not found /This site is inaccessible Exception message : Secure mode is required for this form).
I add libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll on the project folder and I use their .pem files to test their application.
I test on and I install it as a windows service to test with IP of my server too.
I'm on Delphi 10.2 and Intraweb 15.0.15.
Does anyone knows what is wrong ?
Hi. Your application is Indy or Http.sys version?
Sorry for the delayed response, I was not able to work on it...
I always have the same problem.
I have my pem files and the two openssl dll in my folder which contain the .exe.
The port is 80 and SSL.Port is 443.
When I deployed as a service on my windows server, I can access to the domain with http but not with https.
Do I have other things to do on my server or in my program?
I follow the github link but it doesn't work for me...
Thanks for your answers.
I just clicked the github link, it works for me. Github is run by Microsoft and widely used. The error was likely temporary and with your service provider.
(10-04-2019, 03:40 PM)kudzu Wrote: [ -> ]I just clicked the github link, it works for me. Github is run by Microsoft and widely used. The error was likely temporary and with your service provider.
The link works but the demo project for standalone https don't when I test it.
I follow instructions step by step but I think I forget something because https didn't work with my application.
The demo work as is, without any modification. What's your IW license? Some editions don't support HTTPS....
(10-07-2019, 09:37 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: [ -> ]The demo work as is, without any modification. What's your IW license? Some editions don't support HTTPS....
I have Intraweb 15 and the demo is about this license.
Maybe the problem comes from my server configuration ?
I deploy as windows service on a server which works with Windows server 2016.
I don't have IIS installed on it.
Nothing is listening on port 443 (I write it on SSL options->Port). My application is just listening on port 80.
I have put the two openssl dlls in the same folder of the .exe file.
Hi. I would like to ask you to try to use http.sys as it is version 15. I reinforce that it does NOT need IIS and you use the certificate installed on windows. Much simpler to use and much more control. To convert the certificate to PFX (you can get free certificates from let's encrypt):
openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate_out.pfx -inkey private.key -in certificate.crt
To convert you project, open dpr and change:
IWStart -> IWStartHSys
TIWStart.Execute( True ); -> TIWStartHSys.Execute( True );
In your ServerController, verify:
SSLOptions->NonSSLRequest := nsRedirect
SSLOptions->Port := 443
And i suggest you use URLBase, something like this:
To use Http.sys application with SSL without IIS, see
this post.