Indy General Discussion
- idtcpserver network flood (1 Reply)
- IdAntiFreezeBase.pas(180): F2051 IdIOHandlerSocket different version (6 Replies)
- Access to secure url returning ssl error (3 Replies)
- unfolding header lines in TIdAttachment[File] (10 Replies)
- How to redirect http to https in TIdCustomHTTPServer (2 Replies)
- How to use TIdHTTPProxyServer? (3 Replies)
- Soap Service with clientside Certificate (3 Replies)
- SSL and intermediate certificates (0 Replies)
- Indy TCPServer/TCPClient (9 Replies)
- indy 10.5457 delphi 5 ftp problems (1 Reply)
- Error: Could not load SSL library (8 Replies)
- IdTCPClient on Android: Connecting to non-active network (17 Replies)
- How to pass email datetime to the New TIdImap4.AppendMsg method? (3 Replies)
- Unable to upload to correct FTPS folder if FTP site also exists (1 Reply)
- How to send POST data to a webserver? (19 Replies)
- A bug in new version of Indy in TIdSMTP (5 Replies)
- IDE is throwing emsedge250.bpl error after manual Indy installation (4 Replies)
- (possible) bug with TIdMessageBuilderHtml (3 Replies)
- Need help implementing Base64Encode/DecodeBytes (2 Replies)
- TIdTCPClient on Linux in Delphi 10.2 (1 Reply)