Indy General Discussion
- IdUDPServer issue (1 Reply)
- TidSmtpServer Stops responding (4 Replies)
- (Indy) Web application get page error (3 Replies)
- Need to time arrival of TCP socket data, how? (4 Replies)
- [SOLVED] GStack.LocalAddress returns empty (4 Replies)
- IMAP - debug a EIdSocketError # 10060 connection timeout error under a complex env. (4 Replies)
- INDY Cross Platform (5 Replies)
- AV on FinalizeDataOperations - Delphi5 (1 Reply)
- TIdSmtpServer not freeing threads (10 Replies)
- IdFTP.Quit deprecated? (4 Replies)
- Post in HTTPs (2 Replies)
- OpenSSL binaries for Linux needed or not? (5 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Error compiling Indy 10 in FPC and patch applied (2 Replies)
- Compression problems (2 Replies)
- IdFTP.ConnectTimeout error (2 Replies)
- Using IdTcpClient for logging data (Lazarus/Fpc) (0 Replies)
- TIdFTP.ConnectTimeout (3 Replies)
- TIdHTTP and XML integration (API) (6 Replies)
- understanding TCP TLS/SSL Security (1 Reply)
- Email Calendar Appointments (3 Replies)