Creating a Discord Channel to use with our IWServerMonitor

Here is a small guide on how to create a Discord channel to receive notifications from your IntraWeb applications via IWServerMonitor.

Register a Discord account if you still don’t have one:

  • Register a Discord account: The process is simple and straightforward. You just need to chose a display name/user name and use your email:
  • Verify Your Email: After entering your information, Discord will send a verification email to the address you provided. Click on the verification link within the email to confirm your email address.
  • Profile Setup: Once your email is verified, you’ll be prompted to set up your profile. You can upload a profile picture (avatar) and provide a brief description about yourself.

Create a Discord Server:

If you don’t have a server yet, you’ll need to create one. If you already have a server, you can skip this step. To create a server:

  • Click the “+” icon on the left sidebar of Discord.
  • Choose “Create a Server.”
  • Follow the prompts to set up your server, giving it a name, selecting a region, and choosing an icon.

Create a Text Channel:

Inside your server, you’ll need to create a text channel where your applications can send notifications. To create a text channel:

  • Right-click the server’s name in the left sidebar.
  • Select “Create Channel.”
  • Choose “Text Channel.”
  • Give your channel a name and customize its settings as needed.

Create a Webhook:

Create a webhook for your text channel. A webhook is a URL that allows external applications to send messages to your Discord channel. Here’s how to create a webhook:

  • Go to the text channel you created.
  • Click on the gear icon to the right of the channel name to access channel settings.
  • In the settings, select “Integrations.”
  • Click the “Create Webhook” button.
  • Give your webhook a name and optionally choose an avatar for it.

After creating the webhook, you’ll see a unique URL under the “Webhook URL” section. Click “Copy” to copy this URL.

The URL will look like this:

Inside the IWServerMonitor.ini file, you must provide the Discord Token, which is the part after “”, i.e. the token will be:


Then all you need to do is to restart the IWServerMonitor for the changes to take effect and your Discord channel will start receiving live notifications and logs from your IntraWeb application, such as the one shown below.

How cool (and easy) is that?